Cuentos y tecnologia

jueves, 25 de marzo de 2010


Finally, I told  our common friends about what happened between us.

It was mandatory: They´ve branch into a group which thinks you broke my heart mercyless, and those who think that I sicko-stalked you for several months.

I began to state that you did not broke my heart: on the contrary, you took it in your hands, cleaned from the dust of disuse, and caressed it before gave it back to me, not without double check that it beats loud again.

And that it was me, surprised of have it in my hands again, (you never expect to when you give it away) still warm from the contact with your skin, let him fall between my fingers, to broke in the ground in thousand pieces, with such bad luck of been standing over a strainer in that moment.

Of what I could save, I barely made half a heart. Seven years I walked with my incomplete being (I may tell you sometime how I completed the left ventricle after that time, if you wish me to) and I had to abstain to practice any sport.

The pieces I didn’t find wander in the culverts and drainages during several months, watching  the women in the baths through its coslopes, and even from time to time, some wet couple under the shower (my heart originally was blind, but the need to lose the capability of smell and the tact in the sewers sharpened all their other senses), many of them paid its curiosity covered with shit. Many fragments found their fate between the teeth of some rat, but most of them became hard enough to cross the digestive system of any rodent. Some found their way until the sea and healed their wounds with salt.

In fact, this told me a small sharp piece that I found in my recent visit to a famous beach come to less. It was a kindly and smiling fragment. In all this time, it took the charge of maintain a bond between all the pieces of my heart, insisting on hear their whereabouts from its excursions by sewers, the rivers and seas in which they end (one arrived as far as Chernobyl and prevented a second nuclear disaster. I want to believe that, because the exaggerated part of my heart definitively remains with me) in each opportunity, and taking a rigorous count of the fragments that had shown signs of life at the end of the year.

I took it back to my chest (do you realize what´s that for a traveling heart?) and stayed staring the sea.

The first months, he was unbearable: organized several attempts of break, in the most recent, almost kills us both, obstructing the carotid artery.

He cooled down as soon as I began to travel, trying to maintain contact between my old friends, insisting to told me their whereabouts, and telling about of the others in each opportunity.

Nevertheless, I suspect that it has returned to the old ways, this time with a far more elaborated plan: from a time to here, I feel an overwhelming need to see you.

miércoles, 24 de marzo de 2010

No hago tríos

Era como un juego de verdad o reto improvisado mientras paseábamos por la ciudad: en algún momento, el reto fue que ella le preguntara a una prostituta de Marina y Sullivan "cuanto"y la verdad pensé que no lo haría.
-No hago tríos- respondió la chica, que se sentía la más guapa de la cuadra, por buenas razones.
-Ella solo va a ver, eso acordamos; Me fue infiel y esto es para ponernos a mano- se me salio decir, sin saber de donde había venido (no exactamente: el jugo de atrevimientos ya nos previo nos puso a comer gusanos más temprano esa tarde, a lavarme el pelo con agua de un escusado y a ella a besar a un perrito) a lo que la chica se quedo pensando y después de un minuto respondió: $800.

Para honrar a mi querida maestra de economía, diré que en ese momento se podían comprar mas o menos 14 big macs por ese dinero... y que lo tenia en mi pantalón por una coincidencia que en ese tiempo parecía providencial.

Ahora bien: la chica en cuestión era muy atractiva, mucho más atractiva que mi acompañante, en realidad, pero no tenia yo la intención de acostarme con una desconocida, en realidad, mi interés en ese momento era mi compañera de juegos. Mi interés era tan profundo (le llamarían enamoramiento) que no me hubiera atrevido a pedirle como se debe que me acompañara a un hotel ni bajo el influjo del alcohol, que por otro lado, nunca tome en su presencia.

Pero como a los dos nos gusta lo complicado (o nos gustaba) ahí estábamos: apretándonos la mano el uno al otro, mientras la piru (como les llama ella) hacia un eterno strip tease que según nos contó, la ha hecho famosa, va incluido y es seguro provocaría que se le antoje a ella, pero no, de eso ni madres (SIC), por que tenia novia y si se acostaba con otra se encabronaba.

Y mi acompañante que ya para entonces se había dado cuenta de que estaba a punto de echarme para atrás, sin esperanzas de recuperar el dinero, le pidió que primero me besara el pecho, pensando que a eso a lo mejor si me animaba y ya luego nos escapábamos, pero yo puse tanta resistencia a que me desabotonara la camisa, que piru de lujo desesperosé y metiosé al baño.